Moot Court Civil Law National Finals

A big day for the Innsbruck winners of the Moot Court Civil Law 2024: Our lawyers Barbara Egger-Russe, Andrea Pegger and Jana Schroll had the pleasure of accompanying students Nadine Hagen, Michaela Goller and Matteo Auer from the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck to the national finals in Salzburg on 7 June 2024.

In the courtroom of the regional court, the six teams of junior lawyers used their strongest arguments to convince the ‘Supreme Moot Court’ of their legal opinion, previously set out in written submissions.

In preparation for the final, GPK gave their best to support “their” team – in cooperation with the supervisors Univ.-Ass. Christina Nagele and Prof. Dr Simon Laimer, LL.M. of the University of Innsbruck.

The panel of judges was made up of top-class judges such as University Professor Dr Georg Kodek, LL.M., University Professor Dr Andreas Kletečka and lawyer Dr Madeleine Danner, LL.M., and they did not take their decision lightly…

We would like to congratulate “our” team on their performance and Nadine Hagen on her well-deserved rhetoric prize. She was able to defend her Tyrol title nationwide!

We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the other teams on their success and thank our legal colleagues and all those who contributed for their commitment and for organising the nationwide Franz von Zeiller Moot Court in civil law, where everyone comes out a winner -in terms of knowledge and experience.


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